Second global day of protest against Monsanto over GM food euronews 1:09 11 years ago 1 905 Далее Скачать
LA joins worldwide march against Monsanto and GM crops AFP News Agency 1:02 9 years ago 334 Далее Скачать
Anti-GMO protesters march against Monsanto CBC News: The National 1:54 9 years ago 4 212 Далее Скачать
Millions March Against Monsanto - May 25, 2013, Worldwide Natural Revolution 3:45 11 years ago 1 972 Далее Скачать
Seeds of doubt prompt global anti-Monsanto protests Al Jazeera English 2:34 11 years ago 4 396 Далее Скачать
"Stop Monsanto!" Hundreds of protests held worldwide against GM food MsWingmaker 2:20 11 years ago 72 Далее Скачать
Protesters March Against Monsanto In London, Ontario - World Food Day 2013 Occupy WSIB 1:35 11 years ago 405 Далее Скачать
SF March Against Monsanto (Global Day of Action) - May 25th, 2013 Pablo Akira Beimler 1:21 11 years ago 591 Далее Скачать
March Against Monsanto - Edmonton - Global Day of Action Paula Kirman Radical Citizen Media 13:15 11 years ago 409 Далее Скачать